Friday, February 13, 2009

To My Friend, Lover and Partneron Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, I'm thinking of all the things you are
that make life more interesting and exciting, and blessed,
so much better in every way than it would be without you.
You're my friend...
You support me, encourage me, bring out the best in me.
I trust you and feel completely safe with you,
so I can share with you my hopes, my dreams,
and even secrets I've never told anyone else.
You've created a refuge for me to come to
when I need to escape from the hard edges of life.
You're my lover...
When we explore every part of each other,touching, teasing,
creating ecstatic fever in each other,such sweet torment--
I marvel that we can create togethersuch astonishing pleasure.
With you, I feel satisfied, complete,
wild and peaceful at the same time.
I've never felt this way with anyone else.
You're my partner...
You let me know that whatever life hands me
I'll have you on my side to help me.
I'm grateful for all that you give to me,all that you do for me.
Together, we can live life to the fullest.
I'm so glad we found each other.
You're the joy of my life,
and I'm so very happy to have you as my Valentine!

By Joanna Fuchs

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